Thursday, January 8, 2009

Birthday Card Organizer

I wish I could tell you this was all my own little idea...but it wasn't. I got this idea from Lauren Meader's blog ( She did her card organizer differently than I did, but she had a template and I was just working off the photos she posted. I took photos of the front and a side view photo. If I had read through her blog a little more, the project may have been easier than I anticipated but I think I made it more difficult on myself. Lesson the whole blog post! I happen to love her blog and when I saw this, I knew I had to make one for myself! At first I thought I would give it as a gift to someone, but once it was done, I thought there is no way you will pry this from my cold dead hands! (smile) Thanks for taking a look and leave me a comment or two and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Maile said...

Wow, this is amazing!! Thanks for sharing your work and also for pointing me to Lauren's blog to see more ideas for creating a birthday card organizer. I've had "make a birthday calendar" on my to-do list for quite some time :) and now I'm glad I waited so I can combine the calendar with a card holder. Thanks!

BTW, I found your blog through the KWerner Color challenge.